Profile special offer

Allows you to temporarily offer certain players to receive a special offer for the purchase of goods

Navigate to "Profile special offers" tab and click "Add new offer"

Select item for offer and click "Add"

After that, a new offer will appear ready for editing.

Slot Display Name - The name of the product that will be displayed in the Store

Description - The description of the product that will be displayed in the Store

Slot Icon - The icon of the product that will be displayed in the Store

Enable/Override for Store? - Allows you to determine the price of the product for the store

Time limited? - Determines how much time will be available to the offer player after he receives it.

After all the configuration, click "Save"

Now you can offer the player to buy a product immediately upon registration or upon reaching a certain level. Also in any other module where there is an option "Edit events"

For example navigate to Profile/Level tab and click "Registration events" or "Edit events"

Select "GRANT_SPECIAL_OFFER" and click "Add event"

Enter special offer item id and click "Save"

Players will now receive a special offer upon registration

Last updated