
First of all, you need to create a new notification. Click "Add Notification"

Notification ID - unique identifier for notification

Title - title for notification

Fill in the data and click "Save"

After that, you will see that a new notification has been created.

Click "Extend" to see configuration for notification

Title - title for notification which will be displayed to the player

Message - body text for notification

ExternalURL - External link for notification. May be empty

Category - category for notification. A new category can be created by clicking the "Add new Category" button

Custom Data - Allows you to create a set of your own access data from code.

To create your own custom data set - create a new class and inherit from "CBSNotificationCustomData". Only fields and the following data types are supported - 'int', 'float', 'string', 'enum', 'List<string>', 'List<float>', 'List<int>'

After that you will see your class in the selection list of "Custom Data". Fill in your details

You can also attach a reward to a notification. Reward will be received by all players who received the notification. Click "Edit reward" to assign a reward

Notification TTL - lifetime of notification on the server. - NEVER_EXPIRED - No lifetime, notifications will always exist - CUSTOM_VALUE - You can set the lifetime for all notifications in seconds

Life time in seconds - The lifetime of messages on the server. Limiting helps optimzie azure cost

After all configurations - click "Save"

How to test

Select the notification you want to send and click "Send"

In the logs you will see that the notification was sent

You can also check the notification in the examples scene

Last updated