
First of all you need to create a "Task pool". Click "Add new task pool" enter "Task Pool ID". Click "Save"

Now you can create a new task. Click "Add new task"

Task ID - Unique id for task.

Title - The title of the task that will be displayed in the UI.

Description - Full description of the achievement. For example, you can describe here what the player needs to do to complete the task.

Tag - Some mark for task. Can be used to sort your achievements.

Custom Data - Allows you to create a set of your own access data from code.

To create your own custom data set - create a new class and inherit from "CBSTaskCustomData". Only fields and the following data types are supported - 'int', 'float', 'string', 'enum', 'List<string>', 'List<float>', 'List<int>'

After that you will see your class in the selection list of "Custom Data". Fill in your details

Task type - ONE_SHOT - the task will be completed the first time it is executed

- STEPS - you need to perform several steps of the actions specified by you.

Steps - Number of steps to complete the task.

- TIRERED - Achievement will have multiple stages to complete, each stage can be rewarded

Click "Add new tier"

Setup "Steps" for each tier

You can also "Override description" for each tier

Locked by level - Determines whether the task will be locked by player level. The player will be able to perform the task only when his level is equal to or higher

Level - Level to lock task

Availability filter - Parameter for defining accessibility by level

Weight - The greater the 'Weight' parameter, the greater the chance of a task drop out for the profile

Sprite - Sprite for game task. ATTENTION! The sprite is not saved on the server, it will be included in the build.

External Icon URL - You can use it for example for remote texture url.

Automatic reward - Enable this option to automatically reward the player after completing archievement. If this option is disabled, you will need to call additional API methods to receive reward.

Reward Delivery - SEND_TO_INBOX - The reward will be sent to your profile notification inbox - GRANT_IMMEDIATELY - The reward will be given immediately after reaching the goal

Tasks count per period - The number of tasks available for profile every time period. Cannot be les than 1.

Update period - Time period for which tasks will be updated

How to test

Create several tasks

Open "ProfileTasks" prefabs

Open "ProfileTasksWindow" prefab

Enter the "Tasks Pool ID" you created earlier

Now you have the opportunity to test your tasks

Last updated