
First of all you need to create a new instance of "event". Click "Add Event"

Enter event name and click "Save"

You will see that a new instance of event has been created. Click "Configure"

Event ID - The unique identifier for event. Can't be changed

Display Name - Display name of event

Description - The full description for the event that will be displayed to the user

Small icon - A small icon to display the event

Backgound texture - Large texture to display the event

Category - Event category. Used to sort events

Custom Data - Allows you to create a set of your own access data from code.

To create your own custom data set - create a new class and inherit from "CBSEventsCustomData". Only fields and the following data types are supported - 'int', 'float', 'string', 'enum', 'List<string>', 'List<float>', 'List<int>'

After that you will see your class in the selection list of "Custom Data". Fill in your details

Event Type - ONE_SHOT - Simple events for a single execution. For example - send a message to the chat - DURABLE - Events that have a start and end date. For example - start tournament

Event Duration in seconds - Set duration for DURABLE event

Execute Type - MANUAL - events are triggered manually by users through the configurator - BY_CRON_EXPRESSION - events are triggered based on cron expression

Cron Expression - You can select cron expression from the list

Or assign your cron expression

You can also assign tasks to the start and end event. Click "Modify Tasks"

Select the task you want to add and click "Add event"

Then fill in the arguments for task and click "Save"

Finally click "Save"

How to test

Select your event from the list and then, depending on the event type, click

  • Start - for durable event

  • Activate - for event which use cron expression

  • Execute - for "one shot event"

After starting, you will see that the event has been fired and is now active

You can see all active events in the "Active" tab

And also see all the logs associated with events in the "Logs" tab

A new active event has appeared in the example scene

Last updated