CBSClanModule.GetClanFullInformation - Get full information about the clan.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;
    private IProfile ProfileModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        string clanID = "some clan id";

        ClanModule.GetClanFullInformation(clanID, OnGet);

    private void OnGet(CBSGetClanFullInfoResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var info = result.Info;
            var clanID = info.ClanID;
            var groupID = info.ClanGroupID;
            var displayName = info.DisplayName;
            var description = info.Description;
            var membersCount = info.MembersCount;
            var level = info.LevelInfo;
            var avatar = info.AvatarInfo;
            var visibility = info.Visibility;
            var roleList = info.RolesList;
            var customData = info.CustomData;

CBSClanModule.CreateClan - Creation of a new clan.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var createRequest = new CBSCreateClanRequest
            DisplayName = "My Clan",
            Description = "Clan Description",
            CustomData = new Dictionary<string, string> 
                { "datakey1", "some data 1" },
                { "datakey2", "some data 2" },
                { "datakey3", "some data 3" }
            Visibility = ClanVisibility.OPEN,
            AvatarInfo = new ClanAvatarInfo 
                SimpleIconID = "icon 1"

        ClanModule.CreateClan(createRequest, OnCreate);

    private void OnCreate(CBSCreateClanResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var clanID = result.ClanID;
            var groupID = result.GroupID;
            var clanEntity = result.ClanEntity;

            var displayName = clanEntity.DisplayName;
            var description = clanEntity.Description;
            var membersCount = clanEntity.MembersCount;
            var level = clanEntity.LevelInfo;
            var avatar = clanEntity.Avatar;
            var visibility = clanEntity.Visibility;
            var stitistics = clanEntity.Statistics;
            var csutomData = clanEntity.ClanData;

CBSClanModule.SearchClanByName - Find a clan by name. Full name is required.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanName = "Some clan name";

        ClanModule.SearchClanByName(clanName, OnSearch);

    private void OnSearch(CBSGetClanEntityResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var clanEntity = result.ClanEntity;

            var clanID = clanEntity.ClanID;
            var displayName = clanEntity.DisplayName;
            var description = clanEntity.Description;
            var membersCount = clanEntity.MembersCount;
            var level = clanEntity.LevelInfo;
            var avatar = clanEntity.Avatar;
            var visibility = clanEntity.Visibility;
            var stitistics = clanEntity.Statistics;
            var csutomData = clanEntity.ClanData;

CBSClanModule.GetClanEntity - Get shot information about clan using constraints.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID= "Clan ID";
        var constraints = new CBSClanConstraints
            LoadAvatar = true,
            LoadClanData = true,
            LoadDescription = true,
            LoadLevel = true,
            LoadMembersCount = true,
            LoadStatistics = true,
            LoadVisibility = true,

        ClanModule.GetClanEntity(clanID, constraints, OnGet);

    private void OnGet(CBSGetClanEntityResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var clanEntity = result.ClanEntity;

            var clanID = clanEntity.ClanID;
            var displayName = clanEntity.DisplayName;
            var description = clanEntity.Description;
            var membersCount = clanEntity.MembersCount;
            var level = clanEntity.LevelInfo;
            var avatar = clanEntity.Avatar;
            var visibility = clanEntity.Visibility;
            var stitistics = clanEntity.Statistics;
            var csutomData = clanEntity.ClanData;

CBSClanModule.InviteToClan - Send an invitation to a profile to join a clan.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var profileIDToInvite = "some profile id";

        ClanModule.InviteToClan(profileIDToInvite, OnInvite);

    private void OnInvite(CBSInviteToClanResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var profileID = result.ProfileID;
            var roleID = result.RoleId;
            var expires = result.Expires;

CBSClanModule.GetProfileInvitations - Get a list of all invitations of the current profile to join the clan.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var constraints = new CBSClanConstraints
            LoadAvatar = true,
            LoadClanData = true,
            LoadDescription = true,
            LoadLevel = true,
            LoadMembersCount = true,
            LoadStatistics = true,
            LoadVisibility = true,

        ClanModule.GetProfileInvitations(constraints, OnGet);

    private void OnGet(CBSGetProfileInvationsResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var invites = result.Invites;
            foreach (var invite in invites)
                var clanID = invite.ClanID;
                var expires = invite.Expires;
                var clanEntity = invite.ClanEntity;

                var displayName = clanEntity.DisplayName;
                var description = clanEntity.Description;
                var membersCount = clanEntity.MembersCount;
                var level = clanEntity.LevelInfo;
                var avatar = clanEntity.Avatar;
                var visibility = clanEntity.Visibility;
                var stitistics = clanEntity.Statistics;
                var csutomData = clanEntity.ClanData;

CBSClanModule.DeclineInvite - Decline clan invitation to join.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clan id";

        ClanModule.DeclineInvite(clanID, OnDecline);

    private void OnDecline(CBSDeclineInviteResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var clanID = result.ClanID;

CBSClanModule.JoinToClan - Force join to clan if clan visibility is open

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clan id";

        ClanModule.JoinToClan(clanID, OnJoin);

    private void OnJoin(CBSJoinToClanResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var clanID = result.ClanID;
            var clanEntity = result.ClanEntity;

            var displayName = clanEntity.DisplayName;
            var description = clanEntity.Description;
            var membersCount = clanEntity.MembersCount;
            var level = clanEntity.LevelInfo;
            var avatar = clanEntity.Avatar;
            var visibility = clanEntity.Visibility;
            var stitistics = clanEntity.Statistics;
            var csutomData = clanEntity.ClanData;

CBSClanModule.SendJoinRequest - Send an application to join the clan.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clan id";

        ClanModule.SendJoinRequest(clanID, OnSent);

    private void OnSent(CBSBaseResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)

CBSClanModule.GetClanJoinRequestsList - Get a list of all profiles who want to join the clan.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var constraints = new CBSProfileConstraints
            LoadAvatar = true,
            LoadClan = true,
            LoadLevel = true,
            LoadOnlineStatus = true,
            LoadProfileData = true,
            LoadStatistics = true

        ClanModule.GetClanJoinRequestsList(constraints, OnGet);

    private void OnGet(CBSGetClanJoinRequestListResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var requests = result.RequestList;
            foreach (var profileRequest in requests)
                var profileID = profileRequest.ProfileID;
                var expires = profileRequest.Expires;

                var profileEntity = profileRequest.ProfileEntity;
                var clanID = profileEntity.ClanID;
                var displayName = profileEntity.DisplayName;
                var levelInfo = profileEntity.Level;
                var onlineStatus = profileEntity.OnlineStatus;
                var clanEntity = profileEntity.ClanEntity;
                var statistics = profileEntity.Statistics;
                var profileData = profileEntity.ProfileData;

CBSClanModule.AcceptProfileJoinRequest - Accept the profile request to join the clan.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var profileID = "profile ID";

        ClanModule.AcceptProfileJoinRequest(profileID, OnAccept);

    private void OnAccept(CBSAcceptDeclineClanRequestResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var profileEntity = result.ProfileEntity;
            var profileID = profileEntity.ProfileID;
            var clanID = profileEntity.ClanID;
            var displayName = profileEntity.DisplayName;
            var levelInfo = profileEntity.Level;
            var onlineStatus = profileEntity.OnlineStatus;
            var clanEntity = profileEntity.ClanEntity;
            var statistics = profileEntity.Statistics;
            var profileData = profileEntity.ProfileData;

CBSClanModule.DeclineProfileJoinRequest - Decline the profile request to join the clan

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var profileID = "profile ID";

        ClanModule.DeclineProfileJoinRequest(profileID, OnDecline);

    private void OnDecline(CBSAcceptDeclineClanRequestResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var profileEntity = result.ProfileEntity;
            var profileID = profileEntity.ProfileID;
            var clanID = profileEntity.ClanID;
            var displayName = profileEntity.DisplayName;
            var levelInfo = profileEntity.Level;
            var onlineStatus = profileEntity.OnlineStatus;
            var clanEntity = profileEntity.ClanEntity;
            var statistics = profileEntity.Statistics;
            var profileData = profileEntity.ProfileData;

CBSClanModule.LeaveClan - Leave current clan if exist.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();


    private void OnLeave(CBSBaseResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)

CBSClanModule.UpdateClanDescription - Update the description of the clan the user is currently a member of

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var newDescription = "new description";

        ClanModule.UpdateClanDescription(newDescription, OnUpdate);

    private void OnUpdate(CBSBaseResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)

CBSClanModule.UpdateClanAvatar - Update the avatar info of the clan the user is currently a member of

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var avatarInfo = new ClanAvatarInfo 
            SimpleIconID = "icon id"

        ClanModule.UpdateClanAvatar(avatarInfo, OnUpdate);

    private void OnUpdate(CBSBaseResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)

CBSClanModule.UpdateClanVisibility - Update the join request type of the clan the user is currently a member of

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var visibility = ClanVisibility.BY_REQUEST;

        ClanModule.UpdateClanVisibility(visibility, OnUpdate);

    private void OnUpdate(CBSBaseResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)

CBSClanModule.UpdateClanDisplayName - Update the display name of the clan the user is currently a member of

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var newName = "clan name";

        ClanModule.UpdateClanDisplayName(newName, OnUpdate);

    private void OnUpdate(CBSBaseResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)

CBSClanModule.UpdateClanCustomData - Set clan clan custom data by update request.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clanID";

        var updateSet = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        updateSet["data1"] = "new data 1";
        updateSet["data2"] = "new data 2";
        updateSet["data3"] = "new data 3";

        ClanModule.UpdateClanCustomData(clanID, updateSet, OnUpdate);

    private void OnUpdate(CBSBaseResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)

CBSClanModule.GetClanCustomData - Get clan all custom data

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clanID";

        ClanModule.GetClanCustomData(clanID, OnGet);

    private void OnGet(CBSGetClanCustomDataResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var clanID = result.ClanID;
            var dataSet = result.CustomData;
            var data1 = dataSet["data1"];
            var data2 = dataSet["data2"];

CBSClanModule.GetClanBadge - Get information about requests/invations count for profile

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();


    private void OnGet(CBSGetClanBadgeResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var invationsCount = result.InvationsCount;
            var requestsCount = result.RequestsCount;

CBSClanModule.GetClanMemberships - Get a list of all clan members.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clanID";

        var constraints = new CBSProfileConstraints
            LoadAvatar = true,
            LoadClan = true,
            LoadLevel = true,
            LoadOnlineStatus = true,
            LoadProfileData = true,
            LoadStatistics = true

        ClanModule.GetClanMemberships(clanID, constraints, OnGet);

    private void OnGet(CBSGetClanMembersResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var clanID = result.ClanID;
            var clanRoles = result.AvailableRoles;
            var members = result.Members;
            foreach (var member in members)
                var profileID = member.ProfileID;
                var roleID = member.RoleID;
                var roleName = member.RoleName;
                var profileEntity = member.ProfileEntity;
                var displayName = profileEntity.DisplayName;
                var levelInfo = profileEntity.Level;
                var onlineStatus = profileEntity.OnlineStatus;
                var clanEntity = profileEntity.ClanEntity;
                var statistics = profileEntity.Statistics;
                var profileData = profileEntity.ProfileData;

CBSClanModule.KickClanMember - Remove a member from the clan.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var memberID = "Member profile id";

        ClanModule.KickClanMember(memberID, OnKick);

    private void OnKick(CBSBaseResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)

CBSClanModule.ChangeMemberRole - Change clan member role is profile has permission for this action

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var memberID = "Member profile id";
        var newRoleID = "Role ID";

        ClanModule.ChangeMemberRole(memberID, newRoleID, OnChange);

    private void OnChange(CBSChangeRoleResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var profileID = result.ProfileID;
            var roleInfo = result.NewRole;
            var roleID = roleInfo.RoleID;
            var roleName = roleInfo.DisplayName;
            var permissions = roleInfo.RolePermissions;

CBSClanModule.DisbandClan - Disband current clan.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();


    private void OnDisband(CBSBaseResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)

CBSClanModule.AddExpirienceToClan - Adds N points of experience to the current state. In the response, you can get information whether the clan has reached a new level and also information about the reward about the new level.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clan id";
        var expToAdd = 100;

        ClanModule.AddExpirienceToClan(clanID, expToAdd, OnAdd);

    private void OnAdd(CBSLevelDataResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var levelInfo = result.LevelInfo;
            var newLevel = result.IsNewLevel;
            var newLevelReward = result.NewLevelReward;

CBSClanModule.GetClanLevelDetail - Get information about current experience/level of clan

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clan id";

        ClanModule.GetClanLevelDetail(clanID, OnGet);

    private void OnGet(CBSLevelDataResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var levelInfo = result.LevelInfo;

CBSClanModule.GetClanInventory - Get inventory items list of clan

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clan id";

        ClanModule.GetClanInventory(clanID, OnGet);

    private void OnGet(CBSGetInventoryResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var clanID = result.TargetID;
            var items = result.AllItems;
            var lootboxes = result.Lootboxes;
            var equippedItems = result.EquippedItems;
            var nonEquippedItems = result.NonEquippedItems;
            var equippableItems = result.EquippableItems;
            var tradableItems = result.TradableItems;
            var consumableItems = result.ConsumableItems;
            var recipeItems = result.RecipeItems;
            var isInTradingItems = result.IsInTradingItems;

CBSClanModule.GrantItemToClan - Add item to clan by id. The item automatically goes into inventory.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clan id";
        var itemID = "item id to grant";

        ClanModule.GrantItemToClan(clanID, itemID, OnGrant);

    private void OnGrant(CBSGrantItemsResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var clanID = result.TargetID;
            var grantedInstances = result.GrantedInstances;
            var grantedCurrencies = result.GrantedCurrencies;

CBSClanModule.GrantItemsToClan - Add items to clan by id. The items automatically goes into inventory.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clan id";
        var itemsID = new string[] 

        ClanModule.GrantItemsToClan(clanID, itemsID, OnGrant);

    private void OnGrant(CBSGrantItemsResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var clanID = result.TargetID;
            var grantedInstances = result.GrantedInstances;
            var grantedCurrencies = result.GrantedCurrencies;

CBSClanModule.GetClanCurrencies - Get information about clan currencies

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clan id";

        ClanModule.GetClanCurrencies(clanID, OnGet);

    private void OnGet(CBSGetCurrenciesResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var currencies = result.Currencies;
            foreach (var currencyInstance in currencies)
                var currencyCode = currencyInstance.Value.Code;
                var currencyValue = currencyInstance.Value.Value;
                var isRecharchable = currencyInstance.Value.Rechargeable;
                var maxRecharge = currencyInstance.Value.MaxRecharge;
                var secondsToNextRecharge = currencyInstance.Value.SecondsToRecharge;

CBSClanModule.AddCurrencyToClan - Add currency value to current clan balance

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clan id";
        var currencyCode = "GD";
        var currencyValue = 100;

        ClanModule.AddCurrencyToClan(clanID, currencyCode, currencyValue, OnAddCurrency);

    private void OnAddCurrency(CBSUpdateCurrencyResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var balanceChange = result.BalanceChange;
            var updatedCurrency = result.UpdatedCurrency;

CBSClanModule.SubtractCurrencyFromClan - Subtract currency value from current clan balance.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var clanID = "clan id";
        var currencyCode = "GD";
        var currencyValue = 100;

        ClanModule.SubtractCurrencyFromClan(clanID, currencyCode, currencyValue, OnSubtract);

    private void OnSubtract(CBSUpdateCurrencyResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var balanceChange = result.BalanceChange;
            var updatedCurrency = result.UpdatedCurrency;

CBSClanModule.TransferItemFromProfileToClan - Move item from profile inventory to clan inventory

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var itemInstanceID = "instance id";

        ClanModule.TransferItemFromProfileToClan(itemInstanceID, OnTransfer);

    private void OnTransfer(CBSClanTransferItemResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var profileID = result.ProfileID;
            var clanID = result.ClanID;
            var itemInstanceID = result.ItemInstanceID;
            var transferID = result.TransferID;

CBSClanModule.TransferItemFromClanToProfile - Move item from clan inventory to profile inventory

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var itemInstanceID = "instance id";

        ClanModule.TransferItemFromClanToProfile(itemInstanceID, OnTransfer);

    private void OnTransfer(CBSClanTransferItemResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var profileID = result.ProfileID;
            var clanID = result.ClanID;
            var itemInstanceID = result.ItemInstanceID;
            var transferID = result.TransferID;

CBSClanModule.GetTasksForClan - Get tasks available for current profile clan

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();


    private void OnGet(CBSGetTasksForClanResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var tasks = result.Tasks;
            var resetDate = result.ResetDate;

            foreach (var task in tasks)
                var id = task.ID;
                var title = task.Title;
                var description = task.Description;
                var poolID = task.PoolID;
                var type = task.Type;
                var steps = task.Steps;
                var isLockedByLevel = task.IsLockedByLevel;
                var lockLevel = task.LockLevel;
                var levelFilter = task.LevelFilter;
                var externalUrl = task.ExternalUrl;
                var tierList = task.TierList;

                var profileReward = task.ProfileReward;
                var clanReward = task.ProfileReward;

                var isComplete = task.IsComplete;
                var isAvailable = task.IsAvailable;
                var rewarded = task.Rewarded;
                var tierIndex = task.TierIndex;
                var currentStep = task.CurrentStep;

                var taskData = task.GetCustomData<CBSTaskCustomData>();

CBSClanModule.AddTaskPoint - Adds a point to an task. For Tasks "OneShot" completes it immediately, for Tasks "Steps" - adds one step

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var taskID = "some task id";

        ClanModule.AddTaskPoint(taskID, OnAdd);

    private void OnAdd(CBSModifyClanTaskPointsResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var task = result.Task;
            var isComplete = result.CompleteTask;
            var isCompleteTier = result.CompleteTier;
            var reward = result.ReceivedReward;

CBSClanModule.AddTaskPoints - Adds the points you specified to the task. More suitable for Steps task.

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();

        var taskID = "some task id";
        var pointsToAdd = 10;

        ClanModule.AddTaskPoints(taskID, pointsToAdd, OnAdd);

    private void OnAdd(CBSModifyClanTaskPointsResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var task = result.Task;
            var isComplete = result.CompleteTask;
            var isCompleteTier = result.CompleteTier;
            var reward = result.ReceivedReward;

CBSClanModule.ResetTasksForClan - Reset tasks for current profile clan

using CBS;
using CBS.Models;
using UnityEngine;

public class ClanExamples : MonoBehaviour
    private IClan ClanModule;

    private void Start()
        ClanModule = CBSModule.Get<CBSClanModule>();


    private void OnReset(CBSGetTasksForClanResult result)
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var newTasks = result.Tasks;
            var resetDate = result.ResetDate;

            foreach (var task in newTasks)
                var id = task.ID;
                var title = task.Title;
                var description = task.Description;
                var poolID = task.PoolID;
                var type = task.Type;
                var steps = task.Steps;
                var isLockedByLevel = task.IsLockedByLevel;
                var lockLevel = task.LockLevel;
                var levelFilter = task.LevelFilter;
                var externalUrl = task.ExternalUrl;
                var tierList = task.TierList;

                var profileReward = task.ProfileReward;
                var clanReward = task.ProfileReward;

                var isComplete = task.IsComplete;
                var isAvailable = task.IsAvailable;
                var rewarded = task.Rewarded;
                var tierIndex = task.TierIndex;
                var currentStep = task.CurrentStep;

                var taskData = task.GetCustomData<CBSTaskCustomData>();

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